My Daughter texted me last night about President Hinckley's passing. As I heard the news, at first I was shocked, tears and overwhelming sadness over took me, and then as I regained my composer, Steve, Tyler and myself, discussed our wonderful Prophet!
How blessed we have been for 13 years to have such a Witty, Humble, Inspirational, Intelligent, Caring and Loving Prophet. I could only imagine his beautiful wife awaiting his homecoming what a joyous event that must have been! I'm sure the heavens were open arms for such a GREAT man. He will be Missed! Today we can all remember him by trying to follow his example. Maybe calling a friend, or extending some small jester of kindness. We, as Latter Day Saints are so very blessed to have a Prophet on the earth today. I just wanted to share my feelings with all of you and let you know that I know this church is true and how thankful and humble I am for this calling, how grateful I am for the priesthood, a wonderful husband and a beautiful family, AND for wonderful teachers & counselors, and the great examples you are to me!